What this Bundle Contains:

Our "Monthly Mastery" bundle is a comprehensive suite of five in-depth courses that cover the breadth and depth of Selenium WebDriver and Java. This subscription gives you access to a wealth of knowledge and skill-building exercises, from basics to advanced techniques. 

What Students Will Learn:

1. Selenium WebDriver with Java for Beginners: Grasp the foundations of Selenium WebDriver and Java, enabling you to write simple scripts and understand the underlying concepts.

2. XPath Locators for Selenium: Acquire the ability to identify web elements with precision, an essential skill in web testing.

3. Java for Testers: Gain a thorough understanding of Java tailored specifically for testers, thereby giving you a competitive edge in your career.

4. Advanced Selenium WebDriver with Java and TestNG: Build upon your initial understanding and delve into more complex scenarios, learning how to write robust and efficient test cases.

5. Advanced Selenium Grid and Cloud | SauceLabs and Jenkins: Learn how to implement your tests on a Selenium Grid and running them on the cloud, a vital capability in modern test environments.


Why You Should Buy this Bundle:

The Monthly Mastery bundle is a cost-effective, flexible subscription designed for both beginners and experienced testers looking to upskill in Selenium WebDriver and Java. The structured learning path ensures you build skills progressively while providing the depth needed for advanced learners.

In addition to the extensive course content, this bundle offers regular content updates and additions, ensuring you stay at the forefront of testing advancements. The flexibility of a hassle-free monthly subscription allows you to control your learning pace and adapt to your changing needs and schedules.

With this bundle, you not only gain technical proficiency but also get equipped with practical insights to handle real-world scenarios. Master Selenium WebDriver and Java with us, and empower yourself for a successful career in test automation.

Dmitry Shyshkin test automation instructor

Your instructor: Dmitry Shyshkin

Hi! My name is Dmitry Shyshkin. And my goal is to make it easy for you to learn test automation.

I am a Principal Software Development Engineer in Test with over 10 years of test automation experience using Selenium and other test automation tools.

Test automation became my passion as soon as I automated my first test. And I have been automating everything, not just tests, since. I automated my job search. I automated flight searches that help me travel cheaper. I love automating and want to share my knowledge with you.

I created my first course in 2017. I started teaching courses online in 2018. I keep improving my courses and learn new tools to be able to teach you better.

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